Home 5 Training 5 Master in companion animal ethology (online)

Master in companion animal ethology (online)

The Master’s Degree in Companion Animal Ethology was created in response to the great demand for clinical veterinarians and the lack of official courses in this field.

This training is especially focused on dogs and cats, but also offers knowledge to get started in the clinical ethology of exotic animals (birds, small mammals and reptiles) and equines

Furthermore, we are convinced that in order to achieve these objectives we need two basic pillars:

  • To offer the student a large number of practical hours to help apply the knowledge acquired during the theoretical hours of the Master.
  • To base the clinical application on the most basic foundations of ethology (ontogeny of behavior, physiology of behavior, etc.). Each clinical case is particular, and at the end of the Master the student will have the tools that will allow him/her to face the whole variety of animal behavioral alterations that will be encountered in daily clinical practice.

Students will find a highly motivated group of expert teachers eager to share their knowledge and experience.

For more information, you can visit the website of the master’s program or contact the coordination:


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